Table of Contents

Command Line Arguments

How To

How to add command line arguments


  1. Create a shortcut to jeveassets.jar
  2. Right click the shortcut and select Preferences in the popup menu
  3. Select the Shortcut tab
  4. Add the command line arguments at the end of the Target string (outside the quotes)
    “C:\jEveAssets\jeveassets.jar” -portable


java -jar jeveassets.jar -portable


Command line arguments meant for users of jEveAssets

-help » Display the CLI help message

-version » Display version information

-portable » Run jEveAssets portable. Save all data in the jEveAssets program directory

-lazysave » Only save to disk on update and exit
 This can be useful if you are syncing the data to cloud (google drive, dropbox, etc.).
 This may cause you to lose data if jEveAssets exit unexpectedly

-update » Update Data. Update all profiles and accounts. All data with cache expired will be updated
 Was -backgroundupdate (no longer valid)
 -update was previously used for force update.

-export » Export Data (See CLI help message for options)


Command line arguments meant for developers of jEveAssets
Use these at your own risk!

-debug » Enable debug logging and other debug shenanigans

-noupdate » Disable all updates

-forceupdate » Ignore update times
 Was -update (now used for CLI update)

Using -forceupdate may get you banned from ESI
It won't give you access to any new data
You will just get a cached result and a lot of bad karma…